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Human Rights Partnerships & Collaboration

Addressing Systemic Issues Through Partnerships and Collaboration

How we are Leveraging Collaboration

We recognize that many of our salient human rights issues stem from socioeconomic and cultural barriers that no company or organization can solve alone. Our partnerships with nonprofit organizations and pre-competitive industry collaborations play a critical role in informing, implementing and evolving our human rights policies and programs. Some of our key collaborations include:

  • Being members of and serving on the board of the World Cocoa Foundation and participation in initiatives such as CocoaAction and the Cocoa & Forest Initiative
  • Serving on the board and as active members of the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI)
  • Leveraging industry best practices through our membership in AIM-PROGRESS, where we are part of the Human Rights Steering Committee and serve as co-chairs to the Responsible Recruitment Working Group and Living Wage Working Group.
  • Participating in the Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI)
  • Collecting and sharing social compliance data and best practices as members of Sedex
  • Working with nonprofit organizations such as the Rainforest Alliance, Fair Trade USA, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Bonsucro and the Earthworm Foundation to responsibly source ingredients in key value chains
  • Our membership in Ceres and active engagement with peers and the investor community on fundamental environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, including human rights

Read more about our partnerships in our ESG Report and our Statement Against Slavery and Human Trafficking